My Sparsh Tarang
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
रेकी स्पर्श तरंग को , reiki healing foundation USA chapter ने बेस्ट रेकी इंस्टिट्यूट गाज़ियाबाद, के अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया हैं ।
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
रेकी हीलिंग सीखने और करवाने के इच्छुक ध्यान दे
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Symbols of Reiki रेकी
Reiki symbols are sacred and secret .It is part of the Reiki tradition that they be kept confidential .They are only revealed to those who have taken Second degree Reiki and received the attunement that empowers them .Reiki symbols are transcendental in nature . Reiki symbols connect to the God- consciousness .They are like keys that open doors to higher levels of awareness& manifestation. We seem to “feel” symbols rather than “reading or thinking “them A different part of the brain operates when contemplating, drawing or using symbols. All you have to do is once [Physically or mentally ] and say It [verbally or mentally ]three times .The symbols are drawn either with the hand or the third eye as the names of the symbols are spoken either aloud or silently .The hand position in Reiki 2 are exactly the same as in Reiki 1 .The only difference is of the symbols on the body with the finger or palm of the dominant hand .Say the name of the symbol three times while you are drawing the symbol .Then continue sending the energy through the use of the Reiki hand positions .The basic three symbols are –The Power Symbol, The mental symbol , The Distant symbol.
The Power Symbol – Cho Ku REI –Meaning of this symbol: Oh power come “a) empowerment – To increase the power of Reiki, living & non- living . b) Sealing: - To seal the space around the client and prevent the healing energies from leaking away. c) Purification: - To clear a room of negative psychic energy and seal it in light .d) Protection (Psychic shield)To protect yourself and anything of value The protective energy becomes even stronger if used together with the crystal power .
Emotional Symbol- Sei Hei Ki –For Harmony & Balance –The two different opposite energy combine together balancing to extremes for Harmony .Meaning of this symbol : God & Humanity become One’
a) For emotional and mental healing
b) To balance the left and right brain
c) For improving the memory concentration & confidence.
d) To enhance the use of affirmations, unwanted habits and improve relationships.
The Distant Symbol –This symbol is used to send Reiki at a distance .This symbols can also be used to bridge time. If you had a traumatic experience in the past and you know the approximate date, you can use distant symbol to heal the trauma. Use third Reiki symbol to forth and direct healing energy. This symbol conveys the essence of transmitting absent healing .The symbol is called –Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen .Meaning of this symbol is: “The God in me greets the God in you with the view to healing and enlightenment “ .
Use distance healing Reiki for -Empowerment ,Initiation ,Protection ,Healing all problems ,Love and Harmony ,Growth & Prosperity .This is a Telepathic communication with all living & nonliving .All the Reiki healers “Please give Reiki to your country & World for Love ,Peace ,&prosperity “ .Thanks .
Sunday, January 17, 2010
रेकी स्पर्श तरंग - शतक संगोष्ठी समारोह

दिनांक २४/१२/०९ को डॉ मंजुलता सिंह रेकी ग्रैंड मास्टर { संस्थापक रेकी स्पर्श तरंग } के निवास स्टैंड बी २४ रामप्रस्थ , राम प्रस्थ गाज़ियाबाद मे शतक संगोष्ठी का आयोजन किया गया । रेकी के सुविख्यात गुरु जी डॉ नन्द किशोर शर्मा तथा गुरु माँ डॉ सविता शर्मा का संस्था की और से भव्य स्वागत हुआ । डॉ मंजुलता सिंह ने इस अवसर पर रेकी हीलिंग फाउनड़ेशन को धन राशि तथा गुरु जी अवम गुरु माँ को सम्मान स्वरुप सोविईनीयर, प्रदान किये । डॉ मंजु लता सिंह के परिवार ने सभी सदस्यों को सोविईनीयर पुरूस्कार अवम उपहार प्रदान किये तथा जलपान कराया । इस अवसर पर गुरु माँ ने बहुत ही प्रभाव शाली ध्यान कराया तथा गुरु जी ने सारगर्भित भाषण द्वारा संस्था का मार्ग दर्शन किया । समापन के समय ४७ सदस्यों ने रेकी शक्ति को नमन करते हुए , स्मवेद स्वर मे गया ।
हम आज के , हम आज के आनद मे रहे कल क्या हुआ , कल क्या होगा , इसकी चिंता ना करे
Thursday, September 3, 2009
अडवांस रेकी
All over the world & Especially in India three types of Energies were used to achieve different Worldly Powers.
1- Yantra – A special Geometrical design which create on instant powerful vital prana energy or positive energy through drawing or structural formation like Swastika, Sriyantra, or pyramids or other geometrical designs and formation.
2- Tantra – means technique or special process through which one can attain the desired Physical Mental Psychic or Spiritual Powers. In the eastern philosophy Shiva & Parvati (yin-yang energy) has given us 112 type of various Tantra Techniques .Reiki also is one of this tantra techniques in which Reiki Master initiate and activate our energy centres to channelize universal energy Reiki .Tantra is altogether different from Tantrik which is a witch craft always used for negative purposes & fulfilment. Therefore tantra word should not be confused for word Tantric. One is positive other is negative .3
3- Mantra- Mantra means anything which is repeated again and again. Anything whatever you repeat a thought vibration is created around your body, the more you repeat the more stronger layers and energy field is created around your body .Mantra is more concerned with strong intention rather than language. Languages are just career or vehicle of your thoughts & intention . It is the thought& intention which create energy not the language .Therefore you also can create your own Mantra. Mantra is backed by three centres Mind Heart & Prana (navel centre) .If you intent through your heart good energy is formed. But failure is impossible if Mantra is intended by Prana .You may be creating positive or negative energy field around yourself by repeating knowingly or unknowingly. Affirmations are also mantras of western concept in which a special affirmation is repeated everyday to create and attract these special kind of energy to fulfil your goal.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
चार्जिंग दा क्रिस्टल
Charging can be done through
1-Any religious Prayer Invocation or Mantra .2-Reiki-hold it in between in your palm for 5 to 10 minutes with the intention of charging highest cosmic power on the purpose for which he wish to use it .3- Keep it in crystal grid for 24 hours .Keep it in crystal grid or energize by symbol no 1 or 4 . 4-Leave them in direct sunlight or moonlight for 24 hours
Crystal Programming.
(An all purpose empowerment tool)
None other than the quartz crystals has amazing power of storing, retaining, any
Thought patterns (vibration).It can be programmed for any specific purpose, desire or goal to stimulate psychic power, promote success, controlling weight , overcoming fears , breaking unwanted habits for peak performance etc.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Group Treatment रेकी
Highly Effective & Powerful in Emergency & Serious Cases
Reiki can be given to a person by a group of Reiki Channels or Healers .This helps in reducing the time required to impart a full body treatment .It is not advantageous to have more than four persons in a group treatment because the time cannot be reduced below
21 minutes. Use group healing in heart attack, accident, coma, cancer , T,B ,
Reiki has survived thousands of hopeless cases
Focus. In Case of Emergency
1-Local area 2- All the Chakra 3-Solar Plexus 4- Sole of the feet.
You can treat Plants, Objects,& Food with Reiki .
The Flow of Exchange
Nothing should be taken FREE In this universe may it be food , knowledge or healing ( medicines ) , return back by any convenient mean ( not meagrely but Wholeheartedly)To take free means to hold , which shrinks your energy field Restricting all the benefits . To give means – to expand & receive back in manifold .In ancient times spiritual healers teachers and seekers received housing , food , clothing and gifts in exchange for their spiritual services .In fact , it was considered a blessing to have a spiritually attuned one in residence in the area .In modern times money has become a commodity of exchange . Of course, we could and may return to a bartering system .Remembering this in this exchange of energy we free ourselves of obligation when receiving their services .If the river does not receive, it runs dry. If one does not receive, one breaks the flow just as if one refuses to give.
Basic rule about meal
Eat your food – let not food eat you .If laziness follows after taking a meal think that the food is eating you ,and if after taking a meal you feel energized, and charged then only meal is eaten by you .Do not go for a change abruptly and hastily, switch over to the natural raw food gradually . And do not give up food grains, salt, chilly ,spices etc. Completely .So that you could lead a very normal life with your family and the whole society .Otherwise your body may react sharply if take something for which our system is not accustomed.
Friday, August 28, 2009
24 Traditional रेकी position for Treatment of Self and Others
24 Traditional Reiki position for Treatment of Self and Others
1-Eyes 2-Ears 3-Jaws 4-Temples 5- Back of the Head 6- Forehead and Back head 7-Throat and Neck 8 – Thymus and heart 9- Solar Plexus and navel
10- Hara and Root Chakra 11-ldneyungs – 12-liver and spleen , 13-Intestines ,14- Leg joints , 15 – shoulders , 16- Kidney ,17- Lower back ,18 –Root chakra , 19-Arms 20 –Thighs21- Knees 22- Calf’s ,23-Ankles , 24 –Soles of the feet .
Chakra balancing (24 minutes)
1-Left palm on the crown the right palm on the root chakra.
2-Next after 3 minutes move from root area to sacral area and left palm over Agya chakra.
3-Right palm from Sacral area to Solar plexus and left palm over Throat Chakra .
4- Next move right palm over Heart Chakra and left palm also over heart chakra .Both hands together.
Seven Major Chakras and Function
Chakra Location Function Colour Element Mantra
1-crown top of head spiritual vision violet ether
2-brow fore head third eye indigo ether om
3throat throat communication blue ether hum
4-heart heart group ,love green air yam
5solar stomach liver ,spleen yellow fire ram
6-sacral below navel anger ,sex orange water vam
7-root base of spine kidneys ,spinal red earth lam
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The 5 रेकी Principles of Dr Mikao Usui –
1-Just for today, I will not be angry
2-Just for today, I will not worry.
3- Just for today, I will do my work honestly
4- Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing .
5- Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Who to treat with Reiki
First treat yourself .Next treat your family members. Third, consider treating anyone who asks .Asking is important, because Reiki is a system based on intent the prospective client should express his intent for health and requesting
The treatment .If the patient takes medication, instruct him to regularly consult with his physician because as Reiki rebalances his body , the prescribed dosage might have to be lessened to avoid overdoses. The big bonus with Reiki is that when you are treating someone else you are receiving a healing at the same time.
Preparation for Reiki –
Relax completely –
Reiki Invocation –
I invoke all the divine healing powers and my Spiritual guides to be with me for my healing or for the healing of my partner.
Visualise all the masters with you.
Pray for Reiki saying three time:-“may Reiki flow for healing “
Remember- Hands on Reiki turns on –hands off ‘Reiki turns off.”
Reiki knows no obstruction; it can pass through even thick cloths.
Reiki flows 24 hours – use any time.
Intention, Visualization, and Concentration increases the power of Reiki.
Reiki can be given in menstruation and pregnancy.
Monday, August 24, 2009
रेकी 1
The Miracle Medicine Rediscovered and Gifted by Dr Mikao Usui. Vedic origin of Reiki – My hands is gift of divine having all healing powers. Its touch is very pious. I touch you with divine hands having ten branches of healing fingers which is inspired by the power of my words [tongue] .Rig Veda 10th chapter./137 sutra.
The journey of Reiki- Shakyamuni Buddha Founder Medicine Dharma Reiki, Jesus Christ also used this healing technique. Dr Usui rediscovered and started teaching.
Rey –means –Universal, Spiritual, Godly, Cosmic.
Reiki means:- Universal Life Force Energy.
It is the God – consciousness called Rey that guides the life force called Ki in the practice wee call Reiki .Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom, and being unresponsive to the direction of the practitioner.
Reiki Attunement:-Activation of All Energy Centres. Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught
Reiki is a system where the practitioner can do no harm and one make no mistakes.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dear Reiki Lovers रेकी
I am sharing information about Reiki with you. From today every alternate day there will be information on basic and advance Reiki . Those who are intersted in learning Reiki in Hindi or English should please contact Dr Manjulata Singh , Reiki Grand Master on 911202641886 any day between 3 Pm and 7 Pm ISt. Reiki attunment can be given in Distant form also and Reiki courses will be sent by courier . If interested you can meet Dr Manjulata Singh for healing and cure after talking an prior appointment with her . She is available at her clinic for healing and also gives distant healing .
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
रेकी स्पर्श तरंग -- कुछ चित्र
Sunday, March 16, 2008
रेकी स्पर्श तरंग { वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा } हिंदी मे प्रकाशित हुई है
Saturday, December 22, 2007
रेकी बीमारी के कारण को जड़ मूल से नष्ट करती हैं
रेकी गठिया , दमा , कैंसर , रक्तचाप , फालिज , अल्सर , एसिडिटी , पथरी , बावासीर , मधुमेह , अनिद्रा , मोटापा , गुर्दे के रोग , आंखो के रोग , स्त्री रोग , बाँझपन , शक्तिन्युनता , पागलपन तक दूर करने मे समर्थ है । यदि बीमारी का इलाज शुरू मे ही कर लिया जाये तो रेकी शीघ्र रोग मुक्त कर देती हैं । ये मेरा व्यकिगत अनुभव है कि कई स्थानों से चिकित्सा से निराश रोगी ही रेकी उपचारक के पास आते हैं इसलिये रोगी को रेकी से तुरंत लाभ नहीं होता है और रोग ठीक होने मे ज्यादा समय लेता हैं ।
Monday, October 1, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
अच्छा रेकी चैनल
Thursday, September 20, 2007
रेकी शक्तिपात
Monday, September 17, 2007
रेकी -- प्रत्येक कोर्स के बीच " कितना अंतर " आवश्यक है ?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
रेकी ग्रैंड मास्टरशिप
रेकी तृतीय डिग्री { बी } कोर्स
Sunday, September 9, 2007
रेकी तृतीय डिग्री { ए } कोर्स
Friday, September 7, 2007
रेकी द्वितीय डिग्री कोर्स
द्वितीय डिग्री कोर्स मे मस्तिशिक की मूलभूत तरंगो का परिचय तथा अल्फ़ा लेबल के उपयोग ओर ध्यान की विधियां बताई जाती हैं ।
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
रेकी प्रथम डिग्री कोर्स
बेसिक कोर्स कर लेने पर व्यक्ति स्वयम का तथा दूसरो का उपचार करना सीख लेता हैं । बेसिक कोर्स सीखकर धरती कि सभी सजीव , निर्जीव , वस्तुये , पेड़ , पोधे , पशु , पेयजल , आहार आदि को स्वस्थ , संतुलित तथा ऊर्जावान बना सकता है ।
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
रेकी परिचय ३
Monday, September 3, 2007
रेकी परिचय २
Sunday, September 2, 2007
रेकी परिचय १
" रे " से तात्पर्य आत्मा , प्रकाश , किरण या ब्रह्माण्ड की ऊर्जा है ।
" की " से तात्पर्य चीनी भाषा मे " ची " है । ईसाइयों के लिये यह ईसा का प्रकाश है । हिन्दुओ के लिये " प्राण " है । हवाई लोगो के लिये " मन " है । वीहेल्म मे " शारीरिक ऊर्जा " है । अंग्रेजी मे जीवन की श्वास या जैवीय ऊर्जा है ।
रेकी का सार है - स्वर्ग , पृथ्वी तथा मानवता का संतुलित रूप जिसकी खोज डाक्टर मिकाओ ऊसुई ने अथक परिश्रम तथा साधना द्वारा की है और जिसे उसुई शिकी रिहो [ USUI SHIKI RYOHO ] अर्थात प्राकृतिक उपचार की उसुई प्रणाली के नाम से जाना जाता है ।
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
अच्छा रेकी चैनल
Sunday, August 12, 2007
रेकी शक्तिपात
Friday, August 10, 2007
रेकी -- प्रत्येक कोर्स के बीच " कितना अंतर " आवश्यक है ?
Thursday, August 9, 2007
रेकी ग्रैंड मास्टरशिप
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
रेकी तृतीय डिग्री { बी } कोर्स
Thursday, August 2, 2007
रेकी तृतीय डिग्री { ए } कोर्स
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
रेकी द्वितीय डिग्री कोर्स
द्वितीय डिग्री कोर्स मे मस्तिशिक की मूलभूत तरंगो का परिचय तथा अल्फ़ा लेबल के उपयोग ओर ध्यान की विधियां बताई जाती हैं ।
Friday, July 27, 2007
रेकी प्रथम डिग्री कोर्स
बेसिक कोर्स कर लेने पर व्यक्ति स्वयम का तथा दूसरो का उपचार करना सीख लेता हैं । बेसिक कोर्स सीखकर धरती कि सभी सजीव , निर्जीव , वस्तुये , पेड़ , पोधे , पशु , पेयजल , आहार आदि को स्वस्थ , संतुलित तथा ऊर्जावान बना सकता है ।
Monday, July 23, 2007
रेकी परिचय ३
Friday, July 20, 2007
रेकी परिचय २
Thursday, July 19, 2007
रेकी परिचय १
" रे " से तात्पर्य आत्मा , प्रकाश , किरण या ब्रह्माण्ड की ऊर्जा है ।
" की " से तात्पर्य चीनी भाषा मे " ची " है । ईसाइयों के लिये यह ईसा का प्रकाश है । हिन्दुओ के लिये " प्राण " है । हवाई लोगो के लिये " मन " है । वीहेल्म मे " शारीरिक ऊर्जा " है । अंग्रेजी मे जीवन की श्वास या जैवीय ऊर्जा है ।
रेकी का सार है - स्वर्ग , पृथ्वी तथा मानवता का संतुलित रूप जिसकी खोज डाक्टर मिकाओ ऊसुई ने अथक परिश्रम तथा साधना द्वारा की है और जिसे उसुई शिकी रिहो [ USUI SHIKI RYOHO ] अर्थात प्राकृतिक उपचार की उसुई प्रणाली के नाम से जाना जाता है ।
Monday, July 9, 2007
रेकी सीखने के पश्चात् आप अपने को अपनी उर्जा से ठीक कर सकते है
रेकी सीखने के पश्चात् आप अपने को अपनी उर्जा से ठीक कर सकते है
इसके अलावा आपको क्रिस्टल ज्ञान भी दिया जाता है
Distant Healing
के लिये आप फ़ोन , ईमेल अथवा कमेन्ट का प्रयोग करके हमसे बात कर सकते है
रेकी का प्रयोग मै किसी भी नेगेटिव काम के लिये नहीं करती हूँ अतः इस संबंध मे कोई मेल ना दे
Friday, July 6, 2007
For details contact via email
Lot of crystal are also available at the healing center for cure
Sunday, July 1, 2007
मेरा परिचय
MA. PhD (University Of Lucknow}
Dr. Manjulata Singh, Retired as Reader from University of Delhi in the year 2000, after teaching Hindi for 42 years. 7 years teaching experience with Loreto College Lucknow & 35 years Teaching Experience with Daulat Ram College Delhi.
Her academic laurels include Gold Medal for M.A. from Lucknow University and PhD form the same university. She is member of various literary groups She has more than 200 articles published in various literary magazines and 7 published books in the field of poetry, criticism and fiction.
१. हिंदी उपन्यासो मे मध्यवर्ग
२. आस्था और अनुभूति
३. हिंदी कहानी मे युग बोध
४. अधूरे संबंध तथा अन्य कहानियाँ
५. महायात्रा
६. एकांत
७. भजन मंजूषा
She is receipient of the following honors
1.Bharti Ratan Saman From Anubhav Prakashan Sahibabad
2.Women Of the Year 2000 From American Biographical Institute
3.Best Reiki Grandmaster Award From Reiki Healing Foundation USA
4.PRESTIGIOUS LIFE TIME "OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO REIKI" AWARD. by Reiki Healing Foundation, New York USA Chapter for the year 2004, She was given this award On “Guru Purinma” for her services as a Reiki healer and Reiki teacher. She was considered for this award as she has healed more than 200 chronic patients and has taught more 150 people the principles of Reiki.
She does not charge money for healing and teaching REIKI to economically weaker section of society and her consultations are Free for Senior citizens. She is Founder of “Reiki Sparsh Tarang”, a group of talented and devoted Reiki Healers.
She and her group of Healers are constantly making people aware of REIKI where in ailments are cured not by medicine but by energy.